A long time ago, in a lab far, far, away…
… in Leith, we used to have a regular music and audio night and we’d like to start that off again.
Our plan is to use the existing open night on the first Thursday of every month as a Music/Audio themed evening.
The first evening of the new run will be on Thursday 7th May starting at around 7:30pm at the lab.
Some of the things that might happen then include:
- exploring the possibilities of a newly repaired guitar synth from ’98
- trying to build something with PT2399 delay ICs
- working on an AY-3-8912 controlled by MIDI through an Arduino, and playing with similar SID and FM chips
- distortion pedal shenanigans
- we can record some or all of the results to my newly acquired 4-track cassette deck.
Look forward to seeing you all there!
Hi. Is this still going? If not, would anyone like to help get it going again?