Visit from The Software Society of Dundee

Ted explains to the Software Society how to operate the laser cutter with the lid open.

Ted explains to the Software Society how to operate the laser cutter with the lid open. Image courtesy of The Software Society.

On Saturday we had a visit from around a dozen members of The Software Society of Dundee, who are currently pondering upon setting up their own space. Ted, Gareth and Gandolf showed them round and talked a little about what we went through in setting up the lab.

We’re planning an away team trip to Dundee on the 8th May 2014 to talk to those who didn’t have the opportunity to travel down, and do a bit more of a formal presentation.

6 thoughts on “Visit from The Software Society of Dundee

  • Thank you very much guys for your hospitality, words of encouragement and your invaluable tips and knowledge.

    You have inspired us to start a Makerspace in Dundee and we are underway with setting this up.

    We look forward to hooking up again in May when you are through, where we will bring you up to speed with our journey.



  • I am also interested in setting up a Dundee makerspace. Would it be possible to put me in touch with these folks? Sounds like we have a lot in common.

    • Hi Kevin,

      If you click through the link to the Software Society in the article above it should take to you to

      That site should have their contact details on it. As I mentioned above, there are a couple of us coming up to talk about our experiences on the evening of the 8th May, it would be awesome if you could make it along to that.


  • Sounds great, will definitely try and get along to that. Do you know where you will be talking?

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