Pastures new?

As we approach the first birthday of Edinburgh Hacklab, it’s becoming clear that we’ve reached the limits of the space we’re currently occupying in Out Of The Blue.

So it’s time for the Hacklab to take the next step – we’re looking for a new space. Broadly speaking, we’re looking for a minimum of 500 sq ft, 24 hour access, able to be secured by us and well served by public transport.

Keep watching for updates on how we are getting on with our search, and if you have any tips on spaces that might be appropriate for us, please email, Facebook or tweet us up.

7 thoughts on “Pastures new?

  • It would be helpful if the share button on Facebook for this let me share on Facebook instead of taking me here, so I and others can spread the word. The pastures new link takes people here already. I don’t really understand how these things work, but I think this might need fixed. If I see or hear anything of interest I will definitely pass it on 🙂

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