Pcb Manufacture in the Lab
Our inhouse PCB manufacture is improving, with 100% yield of a prototype non polar data and power connector. Results below. Had to print exposure mask at 110% so that the printer printed at the right size.
Our inhouse PCB manufacture is improving, with 100% yield of a prototype non polar data and power connector. Results below. Had to print exposure mask at 110% so that the printer printed at the right size.
One of the cooler projects undertaken at the Hacklab has just come to fruition. Martin was working under the microscope for some time to create a masterpiece of minaturization: a wireless camera for insertion into a prosthetic eye (look Mom, no PCB!). The project seems to have caught the eye of the media, starting with Read more about Eyeborg goes mainstream[…]
Videos from presentations that took place on Sunday 17th July 2011 are now available. Spectral Robotics Part 1 Part 2 Robomotic Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 See the Original Post for more information. Apologies for the sound and picture quality, the lab was a little small for everyone so we used the space downstairs Read more about Videos from Sunday 17th July Talks[…]
Sacrificial wood clamps the piece so the cutter doesn't hit the steel vice. We have a new cutting lubricant in the bottom of the photo. A bottle of red helps the time pass.
Maria and I were working last week fabricating four identical complex pieces out of ABS plastic. Initially we though a lowish feed rate combined with a fast cutting speed would give the best results but actually that’s not true. ABS suffers from the material melting and reattaching tangental to the circular cutter, so the effect is that when you cut, you end up drawing frayed lines over the surface. This is particularly noticeable on 90 degree corners and in deep pockets (concave regions). The first fix we tried was running the same program a second time. This did improve the situation but not enough to give it a finished look.
As we approach the first birthday of Edinburgh Hacklab, it’s becoming clear that we’ve reached the limits of the space we’re currently occupying in Out Of The Blue. So it’s time for the Hacklab to take the next step – we’re looking for a new space. Broadly speaking, we’re looking for a minimum of 500 Read more about Pastures new?[…]