18 December 2011

Visit us

We are open on Tuesday nights from 7pm until late, usually early morning. We may open spontaneously at other times, announced on IRC and discord, or you can ask us if you would like to visit another time.


Hacklab is at Summerhall, just at the East edge of the Meadows.

1 Summerhall

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Access is through main entrance at the front of Summerhall. Go through to the courtyard, towards the Royal Dick pub and look to your right hand side. The Hacklab is on the ground floor of the grey concrete building. Follow this building about 10 meters to your left, and you will arrive at a door with an entry buzzer marked Hacklab.

You can also ask at Reception they should be able to point you in our direction.

If you have any problems getting in or need some directions please give us a call on 0131 516 6856.

5 thoughts on “Visit us

  • Hi just making contact and sending you my email after having had such a good time at the Edinburgh music hack in Summerhall. Hope to catch up again sometime soon.

    • hey Will! I’m guessing you’re the Will that was working on the DrumHack? Come to the music night, it’s always good 🙂

  • Do you guys, help ageds like me to mend old Macs? I have 1 Aqua and 1 White G5, and a G5 Tower I want to revive and use for more than they were originally meant for: photo manipulation etc. Could you help as they are dead or refusing to start and I do not have enough expertise to revive these machines?

    • Anthony,

      In general we don’t have that much specific knowledge about Macs of this age. What sort of thing were you wanting to do with them as most recent version of software won’t run on PowerPC based Macs?

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