Show and Tell – Tuesday 16th September

Many people in Hacklab community are working on interesting projects or have something cool that they would to share with others. To give a chance to spread the word we are having a Show and Tell session on Tuesday 16th September from 8pm at the Hacklab

It will be pretty informal, each talk will be 5-10 minutes, with some time of questions etc

Talks so far:

  • Peter: LED Hat awesomeness
  • Marcel: Topic to be Confirmed

If you’d like to give a talk drop an email to or just turn up on Tuesday. Everybody is welcome to drop by to watch the talks, no need to register!

martins talk at the lab

One thought on “Show and Tell – Tuesday 16th September

  • That looked like a good evening – but it looks like I have missed it. Hopefully it went well and it will be repeated!!

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