Talks at the lab on Sunday 17th July

Following the success of last months talks, this month we have a selection of Scotland’s ambitious tech start-ups talking about their areas.

Anarkik3D — develops software applications using virtual 3D touch, with a haptic device taking the place of the standard mouse to provide more natural and familiar 3D interactions.

Robomotic — develops embedded wireless sensor platforms. The norduino, a mash of Arduino and Nordic is an affordable 2.4 GHz solution which may be of particular interest to Hacklabbers

Spectral Robotics  — Edinburgh Hacklab residents are developing novel modular robot connectors which will allow robots to change shape.


We will have the lab open at 12 to setup and eat lunch. Talks will properly start at 2pm, Sunday 17th July.

If you coming please add your name to this poll so we know how many chairs to setup

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