Make A Game Month 2014!

For the last two years we’ve run informal, rules-free, open to all, game jams in the month of November as an alternative to the NaNoWriMo novel writing event. These have traditionally been hosted by Tom Larkworthy, who has since moved to San Francisco to work on exciting new projects in a challenging new climate. But even without Tom’s exciting digital card game related projects we’ll continue this tradition and host another exciting game jam this November! You can see the cool games that were made during last years jam here.





Our game jam is simple


  1. Between 1st November and 30th November, make a game of some sort.
  2. This event is open to all, even if you’re not a member!
  3. At the beginning of December let someone else play your game, try out games made by other participants too!


I’d like to open the lab up during the day on the 1st of November so we can talk about game development, show off some cool things and help each other. To this end I encourage everyone who’s interested in participating to fill in this quick doodle poll and let me know if you’re coming. If enough people are interested I’ll put something together! I’ll also be at the lab’s open night on the last Thursday of the month (30th October) to chat about the jam.


This MakGaMon is especially exciting to me because the middle two weeks of November are ProcJam: an awesome game jam about procedural games. It’s absolutely possible to work on a game for ProcJam for MakGaMon, and in fact I’ll happily talk about procedural generation on the 1st of November if anyone is keen to learn more. I am no expert whatsoever but I think it’s a very exciting concept.


I am @tinyblob on twitter, please get in contact there, on our discussion list, or in the comments below if you have questions.

Our usual list of things that aren’t rules

  1. Click the reply button below, and tell us what you’re going to make!
  2. Sign up and chat on the hacklab-discuss mailing list.  Tell us about the game you’re going to make, tell us how you’re getting on, ask questions, send us pictures when you’re finished, find beta testers, whatever you like.
  3. Tweet using the hashtag #makgammon.
  4. I’ll organise an event at the beginning of December to show off and play the games.
  5. It can be any sort of game.  Make a card game, a roleplaying game, a music game, whatever might entertain you.
  6. The only official prize is the game that you made, but I may try to get something else sorted out.
  7. You can give your game to someone for Christmas.

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