Talks at the lab on Sunday 5th June

We’re opening the lab from lunchtime this sunday (5th june) to put on a couple of talks, and to maybe get some projects or conversation going afterwards. This is a tester for future events – I’ve spoken to people about some really interesting talks for the future, so if this one goes well..

For this event Martin is going to talk about electronics design, and i’m going to talk about managing your digital assets after you die. We may have a third speaker if things pan out, otherwise we’ll just treat it like a normal open day – so feel free to bring laptops and projects.

If you’d like to bring something along and do a bit of a show and tell then feel absolutely welcome – I’ll be re-arranging the room to suit presentations, we’ve got the projector and a table so knock yourselves out!

I’ll be opening the lab at 12:00 and having some lunch – all are welcome, we’ll aim to start the first talk around 1:30.

If you’re coming along please put your name down here: so i know how many seats to set up.

Thanks, and I hope to see some of you there!

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