Hacklab Talks Follow-up

martins talk at the labA quick thanks to everyone who came to the lab on sunday the 5th of June for our first set of organised talks.

We packed out the lab, it would’ve been a struggle to fit even one more person in. Martin and I really enjoyed giving our talks, and chatting with everyone afterwards. Thanks again to everyone who stayed back and talked to us, it was a great experience.

We’ve received some excellent feedback, and so far things seem to be pointing towards a definite possibility of another similar event in the future. Possibly on a larger scale, in a larger space than the lab itself. With more speakers and possibly a workshop or two.

If you’re interested in attending future events please feel free to join our mailing list, where we’ll be sure to post well in advance of any upcoming events. We’d also love to hear from anyone who’s interested in running a talk, or has an idea for one.

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