Tinfoil Hat Party


The reason why we keep certain information private, when and to whom we disclose it, is a private choice. The Edinburgh Hacklab hosts on Friday (2013-10-25) the first tin foil hat party to investigate together how you can hack your daily routine to limit access to this information (Yes, it is a cryptoparty.in with a hat).

The event has three parts to it: talk and workshop require booking and are limited to seven to nine participants. The last part is the key signing party, which is open to all and kicks of at 9pm. All parts of the event are free to attend. This is brought to you by regular membership fees and donations to the Hacklab. (Look our new donation button:))

Here is the agenda for the night: Talk: Disclaimer: the tools presented in the workshop are only useful if the rest of the system is well protected, too. This means the system’s security configuration as a whole should be fine-tuned against attackers. Communication is secure only as long as your partner employs the same level of paranoia. You’re probably safe from a random thief, not NSA. (35 mins)

Workshop 2 1/2h: -> booking via tinfoilhatparty at edinburghhacklab.com
We will explain some basic term about cryptography and assist you to set up Mozilla Thunderbird to encrypt and decrypt emails using your freshly generated  keypair (GnuPG RSA, 4096-bits) .  It works a bit like a cooking instruction for your own laptop.  (This workshop does not cover e-mail clients installed on hand held devices. Consider it an e-mail client workshop like it’s 2007.) We might pick this up in further workshops. If you are still interested in encrypt and decrypt files on Android, then checkout securityinabox.org/en/apg_main

Here is what you need for the key signing party

  • Be there: physical attendance (with tin foil hat).
  • Have your valid proof of your identity (e.g.passport/national identity card or General reader’s library card).
  • Have your key ID, key type, fingerprint, and key size printed on piece of paper. (Workshop participants → We generate it on the day)

Here some notes: The timing of the event is not great for everyone. If you would like to attend this kind of event and can’t make it, please contact us, we try to work something out. The Hacklab is located in Summerhall  and accessible with a wheelchair. As always does our anti-harassment policy apply for this event.

Update: Expanded valid proof section to nls General reader’s library card

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